
What we're about and what we want to achieve


At Breaking Beats, our legacy is defined by the transformative change we strive to achieve in the Doncaster community. Since 2014, we have been committed to using the power of the arts to enrich lives, and the goals we pursue with the long-lasting impact we intend to leave behind are noted here.

Our Vision:

We want Doncaster to be more prosperous and healthier, both physically and mentally. Arts is the vehicle we use to deliver sessions and create change; thereby improving peoples' quality of life, health, and economic prospects.

Our Mission:

Through engaging music and art workshops, community events, and collaborations, we aim to:

Impact to Date:

Since our inception, Breaking Beats has:

Moving Forward:

The journey ahead remains challenging but promising. Our commitment is to not only continue our current programs but to expand them, reaching more individuals and making a deeper impact. We plan to introduce new initiatives that will further engage our community and provide additional avenues for personal and collective growth.

How You Can Help:

We invite you to join us in this journey. Whether you are an artist, musician, supporter, or volunteer, your contribution can help shape the legacy of Breaking Beats. Together, we can create a future where art and music play a pivotal role in transforming lives.


At Breaking Beats, legacy is not just about the changes we make today; it's about setting the foundation for a better tomorrow. Help us keep the rhythm alive and the art flourishing for generations to come.