
Groove Foundations

In 2023, Breaking Beats received a grant from Youth Music to engage 83 young people in a transformative music project aimed at boosting mental well-being and cultural awareness post-lockdown.

Key Information


Youth Music

Number of Sessions Delivered: 40
Number of Participants: 83
Participant overall rating out of 5: 4.5
Standout Feedback:

"Significantly improved mental well-being and confidence"

Places to Improve:

"Increase female participation and enhance teamwork dynamics"

Overview of the Project

This case study explores a dynamic youth engagement project funded by a grant, aimed at nurturing the talents and addressing the challenges of young individuals through music and creative activities. Hosted in the vibrant city center, the project offered 40 sessions, attracting 83 young participants, and successfully engaging them in a variety of music-related activities.

Project Goals and Execution

The primary goal of our project was to create a safe and stimulating environment where young people could explore their musical talents, enhance their social skills, and address personal challenges such as low self-esteem and mental health issues. The project was designed to be highly adaptable, incorporating feedback and learning continuously, which allowed us to fine-tune our approach effectively over time.

Key activities included:

  • Staff and Participant Recruitment: We strategically recruited skilled tutors and aimed to attract diverse young participants, though initial engagement levels were lower than expected.
  • Session Delivery and Structure: We adapted the project structure by removing less engaging activities like Radio production, and instead focused on quick, engaging, and easy-to-learn music sessions to better capture and retain the youths' attention.
  • Safeguarding and Staff Development: Our safeguarding lead enhanced their skills through local training, improving our overall project and organizational protocols.

Challenges and Adaptations

Despite the enthusiastic planning, the project faced challenges in early participant recruitment and engagement. However, through persistent efforts and by creating a welcoming environment at our well-situated venue, engagement levels improved. We also noted a lower participation rate among female participants, which is an area identified for future improvement.

Impact and Outcomes

  • Engagement and Participation: Out of 261 engagements, notable was the involvement of youths who were initially hesitant or felt marginalized within their communities. Our project became a cornerstone for these young individuals, helping them integrate better with their peers.
  • Mental Health and Confidence: Feedback indicated significant positive impacts on participants' mental health and self-esteem. The project also highlighted the importance of mental wellness within youth development programs.
  • Cultural Awareness and Diversity: Participants gained increased cultural awareness, which was reflected in their curiosity about the music industry and related cultural aspects.

Learning and Future Directions

From this project, we learned:

  1. Mental Health Relevance: There's an increased need for mental health support post-lockdown, which our sessions helped to address.
  2. Teamwork Dynamics: There was a decrease in teamwork, suggesting a need for more collaborative activities in future projects.
  3. Technology Preferences: Participants responded better to handheld devices than traditional computers, guiding our future equipment investments.


The project not only met its foundational goals but also provided crucial learning experiences that will guide our future initiatives. These insights include enhancing female participation, fostering teamwork, and continuing to support the mental and emotional well-being of the youth. As we move forward, these lessons will shape our approach, ensuring that our programs remain responsive and impactful for the diverse needs of young people in our community.

By reflecting on our project's journey and outcomes, we aim to share these learnings broadly, contributing to better youth engagement strategies both locally and in similar contexts globally.